Monday, October 25, 2010

Minor Fieldtrip 2010 @...

SutherLand Global Services

22nd day of September year 2010 was the day when we went on a minor company visit here in Davao City at SUTHERLAND DAVAO Branch. Sutherland is the leading outsourcing company business located in Davao with nearly twenty years of experienced in the customer management space. The company is a BPO which stands for Business Process Outsourcing. The company will act of giving a third-party the responsibility of running what would otherwise be an internal system or service. The company itself provides services in any form such as giving services with use of internet. The most precise subject of Sutherland in their business is the WYSE SYSTEM. This system help to go in cache all the processing units of all the monitors of the company. It helps minimizing usage of system unit. Thus, the system indeed used to group all the monitors in a single system unit.
Sutherland Davao,Philippines offers an end-to-end set of contact center and back-office outsourcing services that clients can choose to implement in either an integrated or stand-alone manner. Nowadays, Sutherland owns and operates multiple delivery centers across the United States, Canada, India and the Philippines. Sutherland Global Services is a privately-held company with headquarters in the United States.

Also when we visited the Sutherland Company, they had given us the chance to go though their rooms and a short view of their facilities such as the data center, working call center rooms and the room for their generator and main servers. Aside from taking tours in educational aspects, we also visited leisure rooms such as the SUTHERLAND Gym room, the Entertaining Room, Web Internet Units for Social Networks for the Employees and many more.
It is inspiring amazing to found out that here in our own place a company like Sutherland exists. It is the company of passion and perseverance. Sutherland reveled to us their branches in other part of the world. The company also exercises right benefits giving to their employees from leisure to right percentage of wages. I like their environment status because in the kind of job that they are in, it is important for them to have relaxing surroundings. For them not to be stressed and that they will be able to perform their job accordingly. I also enjoy their policy which is strictly implemented “to speak in english” and even posters are displayed their just to remind every people passing by to speak in English.

According to the company, they are not focusing only on hiring people with great knowledge about computer. For them what matters most is the knowledge of the perspective applicants to speak in English in a very good manner with very well-owned practiced different languages as possible. What I like the most in Sutherland is their great acknowledgement to us students to go and apply for their company. The company is pretty looking forward for the big possibility have us in their company in a couple years from now.

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